EIGSI general engineers can design and implement complex systems in a wide variety of sectors (aerospace, automotive, construction, energy, etc.) and fields (R&D, design offices, development, production, etc.).
Knowledge, expertise and people skills are key factors in the 14 skills of EIGSI engineers.
Knowledge and understanding of a wide spectrum of fundamental sciences and the associated ability to analyse and synthesise
Ability to mobilise all the resources within a scientific and technical domain
Expertise in the use of the Engineer’s methods and tools: the identification, modelling and processing of problems, including those which are unfamiliar and incompletely defined; the use of IT tools, systems design and analysis
Capacity to formulate a need, then to design, concretise, test, validate and integrate innovative solutions, methods, products, systems and services
Capacity to contribute to applied research activities, to apply scientific procedures and/or experimental systems
Capacity to find relevant information and to assess and exploit it: information literacy
Ability to take account of corporate challenges: the economic dimension, understanding of issues related to quality, competitiveness, productivity, commercial expectations, economic intelligence
Ability to take account of human challenges: work relations, ethics, responsibility, workplace health and safety
Ability to take account of environmental issues and to implement the principles of sustainability
Ability to take account of societal issues
Capacity to enter the professional world, to integrate an organisation, to lead it and enable it to develop
Capacity to undertake actions and to innovate: a spirit of initiative, risk-taking and sense of creativity, etc.
The ability to work in an international environment: proficiency in several languages, multicultural awareness, ability to adapt to international contexts
Self-knowledge, the ability to assess oneself, to connect and manage one’s own skills (particularly with regard to lifelong learning), to manage one’s professional choices