Among the 14 key skills of EIGSI engineers, two resonate strongly within the clubs in the Generous cluster:
- Ability to implement the principles of sustainable development
- Ability to consider and enforce societal values
The Generous cluster is based on community spirit and a willingness to volunteer for humanitarian causes and sustainable development.
A sampling of associations in the Generous cluster
Students for Sustainable Development (EDD) supports charitable, humanitarian and solidarity projects. This association works in the field at EIGSI and in developing countries to provide solutions to complex situations: access to drinking water in Senegal, fund-raising for Haiti, installation of wind turbines in India, etc. These projects call on the students’ skills learned at EIGSI as well as on their generosity.
4L Trophy EIGSI Team: Much more than a rally in the desert, the 4L Trophy is a challenge to thousands of competitors from major schools. The object is to carry 50 kg of school supplies to Moroccan children. All the EIGSI engineering student crews embark on the adventure with energy and enthusiasm.